CHOC Health Alliance (CHA) is the premier Pediatric Health Network and regulated by CalOptima Health. CHA provides health care for children and young adults from birth up to 21 years of age.
How to become part of the CHOC Health Alliance network
Provider must submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) to the CHA Provider Services Department at along with a completed CHA LOI questionnaire. CHA LOI Ancillary questionnaire.
The LOI must include the following information before being considered:
- Provider Names, specialties, and board status
- Tax Identification and NPI
- Age or any other practice limitations
- Practice location(s)
- Providers’ hospital staff privileges
- Any pertinent information you would like to share to be considered (e.g. unique services)
- Contact information, including email address
The LOI will be reviewed by the Leadership CHA to determine if there is a network need for your specialty in the geographical area of Orange County. If we accept your request, you will receive notification from Provider Services, at which point credentialing may begin. Once that process is concluded, a contract will be provided for your review and signature. If applicable. If we deny your request, our Provider Services Department will send a letter of denial.